
Республика Беларусь, 220050, г. Минск,
ул. Советская, 18/2, учебный корпус № 8
Тел.: + 375(17) 311-22-25
E-mail: fspt@bspu.by
Веб-сайт: https://fspt.bspu.by
Группа ВК: https://vk.com/studsovet_fspt






Today we can rightfully call BSPU and the faculty of social and pedagogical technologies "pioneers" in the formation and development of social pedagogy and social work as science, practice and educational complex. In accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of Minsk State Pedagogical Institute named after A.M. Gorky, on September 1, 1991 for the first time in the country the training of students in the specialty "Social teacher with the specialization of practical psychologist for public education institutions, teacher of a foreign language" was started. In 1993 a special faculty of social pedagogy and practical psychology was established and then in June 2003 it was transformed into the faculty of social and pedagogical technologies.

The first years of training of specialists of a new profile became the time of professional formation of the faculty. In those years few people imagined what social pedagogy was and what a practical psychologist would do at school, and а social worker was not associated with a top-class specialist with a University degree. There were no curricula, no programs and no professional niche for a specialist in this field was defined.

The search for optimal forms of training, innovative solutions, the study of the experience of foreign colleagues and the weekly reference to practice have determined the professional field of new specialists’ activity. The result of hard and painstaking work of faculty staff was the creation of the first educational standards and the opening of four specialties: "Social pedagogy. Foreign language", "Practical psychology. Foreign language", "Social pedagogy. Practical psychology", "Social work".

Over the past decade programs of more than 50 disciplines have been developed and implemented in educational process that includes new forms of training: preparing of poster reports and social projects, mini-conferences on actual issues, writing creative essays, business games and trainings, master classes, use of information technologies and multimedia presentations.

Since 2013 the faculty has been training specialists in the following specialties:

full-time education:

  • Social pedagogy (4 years)
  • Social work (social and pedagogical activity) (4 years)

extramural education:

  • Social work (social and pedagogical activity) (3.5 years)
  • Social work (social and pedagogical activity) (5 years)
  • Social pedagogy (5 years)


In February 2016 training in the specialty "Social and psychological-pedagogical assistance" was opened.

On September 21, 2016 the Resource center of social and pedagogical technologies was opened. 



The structure of the faculty

The faculty of social and pedagogical technologies includes 4 Departments:

  • Department of social pedagogy,
  • Department of developmental  and educational psychology,
    • Department of social work,
  • Department of pedagogy


full-time education:

  • Social pedagogy (4 years)
  • Social and psychological-pedagogical assistance (4 years)
  • Social work (social and pedagogical activity) (4 years)

extramural education:

  • Social pedagogy (5 years)
  • Social and psychological-pedagogical assistance (5 years)
  • Social work (social and pedagogical activity) (3.5 years)
  • Social work (social and pedagogical activity) (5 years)

Forms of education:

• full-time,

• extramural.

Personnel structure

56 teachers, including:

With academic degrees and titles – 32 people, including:

PhDs, professors-7 people.

Candidates of Sciences, Associate Professors-25 people.

3 teachers work on the terms of external concurrency including: 2 Candidates of Sciences, Associate Professors. 

The center of the faculty information and educational developing environment is the Resource center of social and pedagogical technologies.

The database of electronic and printed resources for educational and research work of students, undergraduates, postgraduates and teachers has been created and operates in the center.

The faculty actively implements the technology of tutoring.

Tutoring as the type of students’ activity is aimed at supporting and developing of students' independence in solving educational problems and supporting educational and research activities.

Scientific work.

The faculty has 4 Student Research Laboratories in accordance with the number and profile of Departments: Psychological support of a personality (scientific supervisors: Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor T. D. Gritsevich, lecturer O. V. Knyazyuk); Innovative technologies for supporting human social well-being (scientific supervisor: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor A. I. Teslya); Strategies and models of socialization of the youth of the XXI century (scientific supervisors:  Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor A.V. Pishchova, senior lecturer E. K. Pogodina); Innovative education (scientific supervisor:  Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor A.V. Perevozny). The Student Science Community successfully operates in the faculty.

Upbringing work.

Upbringing work at the faculty is aimed at forming the orientation of students to master their profession, orientation on active life position, upbringing of such qualities as citizenship, patriotism, responsibility, general and professional culture, legal competence, knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of healthy lifestyle and positive social interaction, personal attitude to creating a family and implementing effective family life, ability to self-education, personal and professional growth, creative self-realization. The implementation of all areas of upbringing work is carried out both through the organization of Departments events and actions as well as through participation in faculty, university and national projects. Participation in the student club "Family" which is attended by students of full-time and extramural forms of education (A.M. Rusetskaya) contributes to the formation of a valuable attitude of students to a family. Currently the faculty has 2 volunteer associations – the volunteer community of students and teachers "Philanthropist "(N.M. Choleckaya) and volunteer club "Mercy" (L. L. Lazarchuk).

Cooperation with the subjects of the educational, scientific and innovative cluster of continuing pedagogical education.

The improvement of the quality of training of future social teachers and solution of the problem of orientation of the educational process to the formation of practical competencies of students assumed close interaction with the subjects of the educational, scientific and innovative cluster of continuing pedagogical education. Interaction with departments of higher education institutions of the Republic of Belarus which provide training in the specialty "Social pedagogy" as well as with specialists of SPPS of educational institutions were carried out in the format of webinars.

International cooperation

Scientific collaboration is carried out with Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Kurgan State University, Institute of Educational Sciences and social work of Mykolas Romeris University, faculty of health and well-being of Riga University named after Stradini, Kazakhstan Association of preschool institutions, etc.

Currently a local network filled with electronic resources for educational, research activities, practical training, materials of Student Research Laboratories, affiliate of Departments has been created with the support of the Information Technology Development Center.

The Resource center has the necessary technical facilities for conducting on-line conferences and webinars. The center is equipped with modern modular furniture and equipment.



Head of the Department

Nosova Elena Adamovna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor         


History of the Department







The Department of social pedagogy was established in 1992 and was the first in the Republic of Belarus to start training new specialists for the education system – social teachers. At the initial stages of the Department's development it was headed by Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professors Tatyana Petrovna Mikhnevich (the founder and first head of the Department), Mikhail Ivanovich Dron. From 2001 to January 2012 the Department was headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Vera Vasilievna Martynova. During this period a comprehensive scientific-methodological and educational support for professional training of future social teachers was developed and theoretical approaches to the formation of professional competencies of future social teachers were substantiated. Since 2012 under the leadership of the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Valentina Nikolaevna Klipinina the Department's efforts have been focused on developing scientific and methodological support for the formation of professional competencies of future social teachers. From 2014 till nowadays the Department is managed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Elena Adamovna Nosova.

The Department of social pedagogy is an educational and scientific structural division of the faculty of social and pedagogical technologies that provides educational, methodical and scientific work with students who are trained in the specialty "Social pedagogy".


The Department has 16 full-time employees: 1 Professor, 5 Associate Professors, 4 senior lecturers, and 6 lecturers.



The Departments provides 34 academic disciplines in the following specialties: 1-03 04 01 Social pedagogy; 1-86 01 01-01 Social work (socio-pedagogical activity); 1-03 04 04 Social and psychological-pedagogical assistance.

Teachers of the Department manage educational and production practices, they are the  curators of academic groups.

Among the disciplines provided by the Department are "Basics of social and pedagogical activity", "Technologies of social and pedagogical activity", "Theory and practice of social and pedagogical work with a family", "Child Protection", "Methodology and methods of social and pedagogical research", etc. 

Directions of activity



The main directions of educational, scientific and methodological activities of the Department of social pedagogy are:

training of future specialists of socio-pedagogical and psychological services of educational institutions at the 1st stage of higher education;

The Department is training graduate students and post-graduates.


Teachers of the Department provide guidance of:

Student Research Laboratory «Strategies and models of socialization of the youth of the XXI century»

Affiliate of the Department


During the functioning of the Department a system of creative interaction between students and teachers has been developed. Under the guidance of experienced teachers students are carrying out researches presented at various competitions, developing and implementing students’ projects.

The affiliate of the Department operates on the basis of the “The State Secondary school №83 named after G. K. Zhukov in Minsk".

Educational programs




The Department is opened for cooperation and is actively included in the system of professional partnership with educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus and other countries near and far abroad.



Head of the Department

Yuriy Vladimirovich Vrublevskiy

Candidate of Historical Sciences               


History of the Department








The Department of social work is an educational and scientific structural division of the faculty of social and pedagogical technologies that provides educational, methodical and  scientific work with students who are trained in the specialty " Social work (the direction of social and pedagogical activity)".

The Department was established in July 2006. At various stages of formation and development it was headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor  T.P. Mikhnevich, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor                 N.A. Zalygina, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor E. A. Nosova, Candidate of Sociological Sciences O. A. Yanchuk, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor I. L. Karakulko.


The Department has 7 full-time employees and 4 part-time employees, 5 Candidates of Sciences.



The Department of social work provides 39 disciplines including: "Applied researches in the social sphere", "Management and marketing in the social sphere", "Social work with young disabled  people ", "Social work with a family", "Social and pedagogical work in educational institutions", "Androgogy", "Social work in communities", "Rehabilitation", "Social service of the population", "Social diagnostics", "Design and forecasting", "Legal regulation of social work", etc.

Directions of activity 



The main directions of educational, scientific and methodological activities of the Department of social work are:

training of students in the direction of "Social and pedagogical activity" at the 1st stage of higher education;

development and implementation of modern approaches both at the levels of social and pedagogical activity as well as optimization of the process of practical realization of methods and technologies of social work with different categories of people.

The Department is training graduate students and post-graduates.


The personnel of the Department provides guidance of:

Student Research Laboratory "Innovative technologies for supporting human social well-being»;

volunteer community of students and teachers " Philanthropist»;

student pedagogical team " NIKA»

Affiliate of the Department 

During the functioning of the Department a system of creative interaction between students and teachers has been developed. Under the guidance of experienced teachers students are carrying out researches presented at various competitions, developing and implementing students’ projects.  The Department is opened for cooperation and is actively included in the system of social partnership with state and public organizations. The main goals of the collaboration are to implement the results of scientific research into practice.

The affiliate of the Department operates on the basis of the Territorial Social Service Centre of the Moscow district in Minsk".

Educational programs 




Over the years the Department has developed the system of creative interaction between students and teachers. Under the guidance of experienced teachers students are carrying out researches presented at various competitions, developing and implementing students’ projects. The Department initiated the creation of a volunteer community of students and teachers "Philanthropist, conducting voluntary actions to support disabled children, orphans and the aged people.

Meetings of students with interesting people, well-known scientists and practitioners in the sphere of social work are organized. In addition to this educational programs and training courses for students, practical teachers and specialists of social work are being implemented.




Head of the department

ElenaVasilievna  Bondarchuk

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor           


History of the Department






The Department of developmental and pedagogical psychology is an educational and scientific structural division of the faculty of social and pedagogical technologies that provides educational, methodical and scientific work with students who are trained in the specialty "Social and psychological-pedagogical assistance".

The Department was established in 1993.  At different stages of formation and development it was headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Prokhorov A. A., PhD of psychology, Professor Karandashev Yu. N., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Belanovskaya O. V., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Gormoza T. V.


The Department has 9 full-time employees, 2 PhD of psychology, 4 Associate Professors, 2 senior lecturers, 1 lecturer



The Department of developmental and pedagogical psychology provides 28 disciplines, including:

"Psychology (introduction to psychology, history of psychology, cognitive psychology)", "Social and psychological-pedagogical assistance to children with the specific features in the development ", " Theoretical and methodological foundations of psychological assistance (developmental psychology, social psychology, special psychology, methodology and methods of psychological research, pedagogical psychology)", " Methods and technologies of psychological assistance (general and child psychiatry, psychological correction, psychological diagnostics, psychological counseling, activities of a teacher-psychologist)", etc.

Directions of activity



The main directions of educational, scientific and methodological activities of the Department of developmental and pedagogical psychology are:

training of students in the direction of "Social and psychological-pedagogical assistance" at the 1st stage of higher education;

development and implementation of modern approaches in the training of a teacher-psychologist as well as optimization of the process of practical implementation of methods and technologies in the work of a teacher-psychologist with different categories of people.

The Department is training graduate students and post-graduates.


The staff of the Department provides guidance of:

Student Research Laboratory «Psychological support of personal development in the educational process»

Affiliate of the Department


During the functioning of the Department a system of creative interaction between students and teachers has been developed. Under the guidance of experienced teachers students are carrying out researches presented at various competitions, developing and implementing students’ projects.  The Department is opened for cooperation and is actively included in the system of social partnership with state and public organizations. The main goals of the collaboration are to implement the results of scientific research into practice. 

The affiliate of the Department operates on the basis of the «State gymnasium №12 in Minsk»

Educational programs



Meetings of students with interesting people, well-known scientists and practitioners in the sphere of psychology are organized. In addition to this educational programs and training courses for students, educational psychologists, practitioners and other specialists in the field of psychology are being implemented.




In 2015-16 academic year the Department of pedagogy became the part of the faculty of social and pedagogical technologies. The Department provides the studying of following pedagogical disciplines on the 1st stage of higher education: "Introduction to pedagogical profession", "Pedagogy" ("Pedagogy of the modern school", "Pedagogical systems and technologies", "History of education and pedagogical thought"), "Methods of educational work in children's health educational institutes" as well as electives and elective courses in the faculties of psychology, physico-mathematical, linguistic, historical faculties, faculties of physical education, natural science, aesthetic education as well as pedagogical disciplines at the 2nd stage of higher education.

The head of the Department of pedagogy is the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Irina Antonovna Tsarik. Currently the Department has 19 teachers (3 part-time), including 4 Professors, 9 Associate Professors, 3 senior lecturers, 3 lecturers and assistants.

The Department of pedagogy has doctoral, postgraduate and master's degrees (in three scientific and one professional specialty), Problem Council on Pedagogical Sciences, a methodological seminar for undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students and  Student Research Laboratory "Innovative education". The structural division of the Department is the affiliate of the Department on the basis of State gymnasium № 22 in Minsk.  Associate Professor of the Department of pedagogy L. A. Kozinets is entrusted with the management of the affiliate.

The charity volunteer club was established at the Belarusian State Pedagogical University in 1996. The club works at the Department of pedagogy and is a University-wide one. The head of the club is a senior teacher of the Department of pedagogy L. L. Lazarchuk. The main goal of the club is the integration of people without health problems and disabled people in society. The club consists of students from different faculties. Currently students of the faculties of natural sciences, social and pedagogical technologies, physical and mathematical and historical faculties are actively working in the club.



Head of the Laboratory - Ekaterina Yuryevna Petkevich

The educational laboratory of socio-pedagogical work was created according with BSPU rector order № 66 in July 4, 2016.

The main functions of the laboratory are:

- organization and implementation of educational activities in accordance with the curricula and programs of the specialties of the faculty of social and pedagogical  technologies;

- organization of scientific and methodological assistance to students, teachers of the faculty of social and pedagogical  technologies.


The educational laboratory of socio-pedagogical work solves the following tasks:

- organization and conducting of informational and scientific-methodological events (consultations, seminars, webinars) for students and faculty members;

- implementation and support of research projects at various levels;

- organization and implementation of additional educational programs for students and faculty members and other categories of target audience;

- providing methodological support for the implementation of the educational process according to the curricula of the specialties of the faculty of social and pedagogical technologies;

 - organization of psychological assistance to the subjects of the educational process;

- participation in career guidance of the faculty of social and pedagogical  technologies.




On September 21, 2016 the Resource center of social and pedagogical technologies was opened.

RESOURCE CENTER OF SOCIAL AND PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES was created as a scientific and methodological devision on the base of the faculty of social and pedagogical technologies of the educational institution “Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank” and is one of the forms of organization of educational, research, methodological, advisory and educational work.

The resource center is the basis of the integrated informational and educational development environment of the faculty “My faculty is my success”.

The aim is to provide informational and scientifically-methodological support to the educational process and research projects, to provide methodological assistance to teachers-a practice.

Main tasks:

  1. designing and implementing of individual educational routes for future specialists in socio-pedagogical and psychological sphere
  2. creation of the database of electronic and printed resources for the research work of students, undergraduates, graduate students and teachers
  3. developing and implementing of research and educational projects
  4. scientific and methodological assistance to teachers and practitioners in social and humanitarian sphere
  5. informational, organizational and scientific-methodological support of webinars, contests, competitions, scientific and practical seminars and conferences
  6. organizational and scientific-methodological support of scientific internships


The information environment of the Resource Center contains:

 E- library of scientific and educational literature (monographs; scientific articles; conference materials; abstracts of dissertations; textbooks; teaching aids; Electronic Educational Methodical Complexes, curricula for academic disciplines; workshops; training tests and etc.);

  • bank of regulatory and legal information;
  • technology bank for social and educational activities;
  • bank of methods of socio-pedagogical and psychological diagnostics;
  • media library of educational and teaching materials;
  • bank of educational trainings and master classes;
  • database of practices;
  • information about the affiliates of departments;
  • information on scientific and scientific pedagogical schools;
  • information about Student Scientific Educational Laboratory and Scientific Research Work of Students
  • information about educational institutions - foreign partners for scientific cooperation.

All electronic databases have local access.

The resource center has an extensive book fund. The fund includes printed publications on psychological, pedagogical, socio-psychological orientation. Also in the Resource Center, a bank of the best thesis and scientific student works, materials of scientific and practical conferences, materials of scientific schools of the faculty has been created and operates.

A roadmap for the user of the Resource Center has been developed, including educational and career routes for a student, a young scientist, a teacher and a specialist in the sphere of education.


Resource center for student:

Informational support

•E-library; book fund

• Video content

• Bank for technology of social and pedagogical activities

• Bank of regulatory information


Providing of educational services

• Educational seminars, trainings

• Scientific schools

• Discussion club

Organizational support and implementation

• Webinars

• On-line conferences

• Master classes

Consulting services

  • Individual and Group Supervisions
  • The consulting of research projects
  • Individual counseling

Paid educational services:

• Training programs:

  • Conducting webinars, thematic online seminars according to the request of educational institutions


Resource Center for teachers-a practice

The resource center provides a wide range of opportunities for providing scientific and methodological assistance to teachers-a practice of educational institutions.


Admission of students to the following specialties is announced at the Faculty of Social and Pedagogical Technologies of BSPU




Social pedagogy

full-time education - 4 years

extramural education - 5 years

Social teacher

Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),

Biology (CT),

History of Belarus (CT)

Social work (social and pedagogical activity)

full-time education - 4 years

extramural education - 5 years

Social worker - Teacher


Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),

Biology (CT),

History of Belarus (CT)

Social and psychological-pedagogical assistance

full-time education - 4 years

extramural education - 5 years


Belarusian (Russian) language (CT),

Biology (CT),

History of Belarus (CT)

CT - centralized testing




 Specialty "Social pedagogy"

Qualification is a social teacher.

Forms of education: full-time (budget / paid), extramural education (budget / paid).

Training is conducted in Russian.


Specificity and relevance.

Today the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children is a matter of state concern. Childhood protection tasks are a priority in any educational institution of the Republic of Belarus. They are professionally implemented by a social educator.

Socio-pedagogical activity is multidimensional and multidirectional. In order to protect the rights and interests of children and youth, a social teacher interacts with a wide range of people interested in the fate of a minor. Among them are parents, representatives of the administration of an educational institution, psychologists, class teachers, subject teachers, employees of the juvenile inspection, representatives of the juvenile commission, representatives of guardianship authorities and others. A social teacher is not a teacher with a basic subject education, but a teacher of wide profile. He has legal and psychological competencies, knows the basics of management in the education system, is able not only to see the child’s problem, but also help him find himself.

 Graduates of the specialty “Social Pedagogy” can work in educational institutions, inspectorates for minors, and children’s welfare agencies.


What do you learn?

The following are being studied:

1. The cycle of general scientific and professional disciplines:

• Pedagogy

• Psychology

• Information technology in education


• Human life safety

• Belarusian language (professional vocabulary)

2. The cycle of special disciplines:

• Theory and practice of social pedagogy


• Methodology and methods of social and pedagogical research

• Social education in educational institutions

• Fundamentals of social and pedagogical activities

• Psychology of social and pedagogical activities

• Technologies of social and pedagogical activities

• Theory and practice of social and pedagogical work with the family

• Fundamentals of professional excellence of a social educator

• Child protection

3. Disciplines of BSPU:

• Introduction to student learning activities

• Pedagogy of the children's groups

• Age-related physiology and school hygiene

• Methods of educational work in children's health educational institutions

• Social and pedagogical activities abroad

• Methodology of social and pedagogical activities

• Actual problems of social and pedagogical activity

• Psychosocial work in the activities of a social teacher

• Psychology of communication

• Management Psychology in Education

• Statistical processing of social and pedagogical research data

• Counseling in social and pedagogical activities

• Fundamentals of pedagogical anthropology

• The legal basis of social and pedagogical activities

4. Disciplines of choice:

• Social and pedagogical prevention of gaming and computer addiction of children and youth.

• Social and pedagogical work with children in socially dangerous situations.

• Social and pedagogical basis for the formation of reproductive health of students.

• Preparing students for family life.

• Art therapy.

• Fairytale therapy.

• Diagnosis and correction of interpersonal relationships.

• Fundamentals of corrective development work.

5. Optional disciplines:

• Social and psychological training.

• Fundamentals of media pedagogy.


What's next?

Social teachers work in educational institutions such as: pre-school, secondary schools, vocational, secondary special, higher educational institutions, institutions of continuing education, additional educational institutions, orphanages and boarding schools, social and educational centers, services for the protection of childhood and family, career guidance centers, youth organizations, institutions of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of the Interior, etc.


The graduating Department is the Department of social pedagogy.

The head of the Department of social pedagogy is Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Elena Adamovna Nosova., tel. +375 17 200-15-69.


The profession of a Social teacher is noble and new for our society!



Specialty "Social and psychological-pedagogical assistance."

Qualification - teacher.

Forms of education: full-time (budget / paid), extramural (budget / paid).

Training is conducted in Russian.


Specificity and relevance.

The specialty "social and psychological-pedagogical assistance" is focused on providing individual and group support and assistance to students, parents and teachers in the process of social development and personality. The social challenges of our time, the inability of children and youth to withstand negative impact factors, the social, psychological and pedagogical problems of the modern family disrupt the socialization process and increase its social risks. Timely social and psychological-pedagogical assistance to the subjects of the educational process who find themselves in difficult and problematic situations is especially in demand in the education system. The professional activity of a specialist is carried out in the system of socio-pedagogical and psychological services of educational institutions.

A teacher who has received the specialty of “social, psychological and pedagogical assistance” is a specialist with fundamental socio-pedagogical and psychological training, who has legal competencies in the field of social assistance and support for family and childhood, and is able to help a child in a timely and professional manner.

 Graduates of the specialty “Social and psychological-pedagogical assistance” can work as social teachers and psychologists.



What do you learn?

The following are being studied:

1. The cycle of general scientific and professional disciplines:

• Pedagogy

• Psychology

• Information technology in education


• Human life safety

• Belarusian language (professional vocabulary)

2. The cycle of special disciplines:

• Theory and methodology of socio-pedagogical assistance

• Fundamentals of the professional culture of the teacher

• Childcare

• Theoretical and methodological foundations of psychological assistance

• Technologies of social and educational assistance

• Social and psychological-pedagogical assistance to the family

• Methods and technologies of psychological assistance

3. Disciplines of BSPU:

• Introduction to student learning activities

• Pedagogy of leisure

• Age-related physiology and school hygiene

• Methods of educational work in children's health educational institutions

• Management in education

• Labor Psychology

• History of social pedagogy

• Fundamentals of volunteerism

• Psychophysiology and neuropsychology

• Psychology and pedagogy of communication

• Psychology of personality and individual differences

• Crisis Psychology

• Experimental psychology and systems data analysis

• Methods of teaching pedagogy and psychology

• Group psychotherapy

• Pathopsychology

4. Disciplines of choice:

• Art therapy

• Fairytale therapy

• Gestalt therapy

• Coaching

• Computer psychodiagnostics

• Projective methods of psychological assistance

• Prevention of addictive behavior

• Social and psychological-pedagogical assistance abroad

• Prevention of gaming and computer addiction

5. Optional disciplines:

• Social and psychological training

• Fundamentals of media pedagogy



What's next?

Teachers work in educational institutions: pre-school, secondary schools, vocational, secondary special, higher educational institutions, institutions of continuing education, additional educational, orphanages and boarding schools, social and educational centers, services for the protection of childhood and family, career guidance centers, youth organizations, institutions of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of the Interior, etc.


The graduating Departments are: the Department of Social Pedagogy, the Department of Developmental and Pedagogical Psychology.

The head of the Department of social pedagogy is Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Elena Adamovna Nosova, tel. +375 17 200-15-69.

The head of the Department of developmental and pedagogical psychology - Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Elena Vasilievna Bondarchuk, tel. +375 17 200-15-93.



Specialty Social Work (the direction of social and pedagogical activity)


Qualification - social worker.

Forms of education: full-time (budget / paid), extramural (budget / paid).

Education on a paid form of education is conducted in Russian.

Specificity and relevance

The specialty of social work is at the intersection of such scientific areas as psychology, social philosophy, sociology, pedagogy and history. The object of study is society and the processes of social transformation. The subject of study is the patterns of interaction of individual groups in society and technology to maintain social well-being in society.


Trend in the development of the specialty: socio-demographic challenges of our time give rise to the need to form a new face of social work oriented to the new needs and specificities of various categories of society.


What do you learn?

The following are being studied:

1. Basics of general scientific, general professional training of a specialist in social work.


• Philosophy;

• Sociology of the family;

• Economics and sociology;

• Basics of demography;

• Applied researches in the social sphere;

• Theoretical foundations of social work;


2. Methods and technologies of social work.

• Methodological research in social work;

• Social diagnostics;

• Social gerontology;

• Social victimology;

• Social and pedagogical work with the family;

• Social work with family.

3. Design and forecasting.

4. Methodology and methods of qualification (diploma) research; ways of representing the graduate study (activities of the Student Research Laboratory of the department "Innovative technologies for supporting human social well-being»).


Additionally studied:

• Youth employment and employment;

• Professional interaction in social work;

• Social and legal protection of family and childhood.


What's next?

Graduates of the specialty can become sought-after specialists in the field of social services, social and pedagogical support of family and childhood; can prove themselves in the implementation of republican and international social projects in the social security system of the population. Graduates of this specialty may be in demand not only in the activities of state institutions. A large number of graduates are employed in socially charitable institutions, as well as public organizations.


Base organizations for the internship:

State Institution "Territorial center for social services of the population of the Moscow district of Minsk", State Institution "Territorial center for social services of the population of the Leninsky district of Minsk", State Institution "Territorial center for social services of the population of the Partizansky district of Minsk", State Institution "Territorial center for social services of the population of the Oktyabrsky district of Minsk", State Institution "Territorial center for social services of the population of the Frunzensky district of Minsk";

State Educational Institutions (Social and Pedagogical Center of the Leninsky District of Minsk, Social and Pedagogical Center of the Frunzensky District of Minsk);

State Institutions (Office of Social Protection of the Population of the Moscow Region of Minsk, Office of Social Protection of the Population of the Leninsky District of Minsk);

"Center of active longevity" in Minsk.

The graduating Department is the Department of social work.

Head of the Department - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Vrublevskiy Yuriy Vladimirovich, tel.: +375 17 200-94-90.

Our contacts

220050, Minsk, Sovetskaya st., 18/2, educational building № 8

Dean of the Faculty

Martynova Vera Vasilievna

tel. 226-52-61, of. 404

Vice-dean for Curriculum

VASHNYOVA Valentina Ivanovna

tel. 200-15-28, of. 403

Vice-dean for Educational Work

KORNEVSKAYA Julia Arkadievna

tel. 200-15-28, of. 403

Vice-dean for Research

SERDYUK Evgenia Vyacheslavovna

tel. 200-15-28, of. 403

Student Specialist

full-time education

SIVITSKAYA Olga Gennadievna

tel. 200-15-22, of. 402

Student Specialist

part-time education

Malashenok Irina Igorevna

tel. 200-15-22, of. 402

 Secretary of Dean

GUIDA Ekaterina Viktorovna

tel. 226-52-61, of. 404

Head of the department of Developmental and Pedagogical Psychology

BONDARCHUK Elena Vasilievna

tel. 200-15-93, of.  411

Head of the Department of Social Pedagogy

NOSOVA Elena Adamovna

tel. 200-15-69, of. 409

Head of the Department of Social Work

Vrublevskiy Yuriy Vladimirovich

tel. 200-94-90, cab. 308


Head of the Department of Pedagogy

TSARIK Irina Antonovna

tel. 327-77-59, of. 207

Head of the educational laboratory of social and pedagogical work

PETKEVICH Ekaterina Yuryevna

tel. 200-15-28, of. 413


Republic of Belarus, 220050, Minsk,

Sovetskaya st., 18/2, educational building № 8

Tel .: + 375 (17) 200-15-22


Fax: + 375 (17) 226-52-61

E-mail: fspt@bspu.by

Website: https://fspt.bspu.by

VK Group: https://vk.com/studsovet_fspt